Akon - She Wants Sex (Lights On)

Исполнитель:Akon - She Wants Sex (Lights On)

Текст песни:
When I ride you ride and your girlfriends can follow my guys if we lose them they will find us either way it's gonna get so exciting
My mind it's about time to hit the lights and start carressing those thighs she love it cause she wanna do me with the lights on,

She want sex with the lights onn

She want sex with the lights onnn

She want sex with the lights on

She want sex with the lights onn

It's what she say while I'm jumping her boat or bone

Tell me oh why am I lookin at a woman so fine oh me oh my never thought that id be staring at a goddess my ego my pride won't let me leave without her tonight can you believe it once I got her to the crib she turned the lights on.
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